– Reception and information but above all: advice.
Our advisors are the experts of our destination, Bugey Sud and its 41 villages.
In 2018, there are more than 16,000 recommendations made directly by our team.
APIDAE: more than 4,000 records, entertainment, accommodation, restaurants, activities, tourist sites etc. are managed by our Tourist Office. These data are used to feed our websites, but also those of Aintourisme, ViaRhôna and many others.
– Promotion and communication of the destination
Communication includes: management of websites, animation of social networks, design and publishing of maps and brochures, agendas (summer / winter), press relations, newsletters.
Promotion is the enhancement of the destination on fairs and promotional operations, in collaboration with tourism partners.
We also participate in the organization of events: Tour de France, Journées cyclo du Grand Colombier…
– The federation of tourism actors and tourism development
The territory is vast, the actors numerous, the projects multiple!
In order to better accompany those who make tourism live on the territories, we organize meetings, information days, eductours.
We are part of Inst’Ain numériques, a group of digital animators of Tourist Offices and Aintourisme: organization of digital workshops to accompany professionals in the mastery of digital, monitoring and reflection, organization of the e-tourism day of the Ain.
The Tourist Office is the armed arm of the community of communes in terms of tourism development.
In collaboration with Estelle Charrut, Head of the tourism, culture and heritage department of the community, we implement the action plan of the tourism development scheme of Bugey Sud, particularly through the Bugey Vélo® brand, whose objective is the promotion of cycling on our territory, the development of services and facilities for the reception of cyclotourist customers and the development of the practice but also the federation of clubs and actors related to cycling.
Discover the Facebook page dedicated to cycling in the Bugey
The tourist tax, paid by the customers of the territory’s accommodation providers, is collected by the Community of Municipalities and transferred to the Tourist Office, to finance tourism actions and in particular the editions…for tourists!
For any questions: e.charrut@ccbugeysud.com.
– Marketing of tourist products and heritage
The Tourist Office is registered with the register of travel operators. It organizes your group days in Bugey Sud or your all-inclusive weekends.
We also have a ticketing service for shows.
The team includes a tour guide, Florence-Audrey Bourgeat, whose mission is to design guided tours, manage group reservations and help them discover the heritage of Bugey Sud.
– Administrative and financial management
The Tourist Office is an EPIC, a public industrial and commercial establishment. The governance of the Tourist Office is ensured by the management committee, composed of 19 full members and 19 deputies, elected representatives of the community of communes and tourism representatives who meet at least 6 times a year.
The President of the Tourist Office is Mr. Régis Castin, also Vice-President in charge of Tourism, Heritage, Culture and Sport at the community of communes Bugey Sud
The legal representative is the Director.